
The Onspring API is organized around REST. It enables external programs to retrieve, save, and delete data within your Onspring instance. The Onspring API implements version 3 of the Open API Specification (OAS).

The Onspring API does support bulk operation for some, but not all endpoints. Bulk operations are not supported for endpoints that create, update, or delete resources. The one exception is the batch delete endpoint for records, which is used to delete multiple records at once.

You can specify the version of the API that you want to use by including the version number in the X-Api-Version header. If you do not specify a version number the API will attempt to route the request to the proper version based upon the request path.

Base URL

The base url for the Onspring API will be the same for all instances regardless of whether the instances is a development, test, or production instance. The routing of the request to the correct instance will be based on the API key provided in the request.

Click to Copy
Click to Copy
X-Api-Version: 2
Client SDKs
dotnet add package Onspring.API.SDK


The Onpsring API uses API keys to authenticate requests. These keys are specific to a given Onspring instance. You can view and manage your API keys from within your instance.

An API key needs to be provided with every request. This is done by adding the X-ApiKey header to the request. The API key provided should be in an Enabled status and it should be assigned a role that has the proper permissions for the request made by the API key. The role assigned should also be in an Active status.

If the role assigned to the API key does not have sufficient permissions to perform the requested action or is in n Inactive status, an error will be returned. Onspring administrators may configure roles for API keys just as they would any other role in Onspring. However each API key can have only one assigned role.

X-ApiKey Header

API Keys are specific to an instance. If you are using the API to access data from multiple instances, you will need to create an API key for each instance.

Click to Copy
X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000

Dates and Times

Onspring stores date/time information in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), and the API expects to pass UTC data back and forth. The Onspring GUI converts the UTC value to the appropriate display value depending on your instance configuration and a user's profile settings. This means that when you are working with dates and times via the API, you need to be expecting to send and receive dates in UTC.

Retrieving and sending date field values

Click to Copy
  "type": "Date",
  "fieldId": 4800,
  "value": "2023-02-15T06:00:00Z"
Click to Copy
  "4880": "2023-02-15T06:00:00Z"

Record Id

The Record Id is a unique identifier for a record in an Onspring app. You will use the Record Id to retrieve, update, and delete records. However you should not confuse this Record Id with the value that is held and displayed in the Record Id field within the Onspring GUI. The value held in the Record Id field is also a unique identifier for a record in an Onspring app, but it is not guaranteed to be the same as the value of the Record Id property returned via the API.

For the purpose of clarity it can be helpful to think of the Record Id value retrieved via the API as being the record's internal identifier, and the value held in the Record Id field as being the record's external identifier. The internal Record Id is the value you will want to use at all times when working with records via the API. The external Record Id is only useful when working with records via the Onspring GUI.

If you are ever encountering an anomaly where the data being retrieved or updated via the API does not match the data being displayed in the Onspring GUI, you will want to make sure that you are not using the Record Id field value to identify the record to be retrieved or updated.

Note: The internal Record Id is the value that will be used to represent records in a reference field value.

Internal Record Id vs External Record Id

Click to Copy
  "appId": 130,
  "recordId": 2, // Internal Record Id
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "Integer",
      "fieldId": 4745,
      "value": 3 // External Record Id
Click to Copy
  "columns": ["Record Id"],
  "rows": [
      "recordId": 2, // Internal Record Id
      "cells": [
        3 // External Record Id


Reference fields in Onspring are used to relate records to one another whether they be in the same app or in different apps. They can be used to create a one-to-one relationship, a one-to-many relationship, or a many-to-many relationship. This functionality is at the core of how people build and utilize the Onspring platform.

That being said it is likely that when you are working with data in Onspring you will need to work with data that crosses apps. For example you can have a Groups app that has a list of all the groups in your instance and then you can have a Users app that has a list of all the users in your instance. Many users can be related to a single group using a reference field. Therefore if you wanted to collect data for all the users in a group you could make use of the Onspring API to programmatically resolve the relationships between a group record and its related user records and then retrieve the data for each of those users.

You would need to first retrieve the group record which will contain the reference field value that holds all the references to the users in that group. Note the values in a reference field will be the internal Record Id value for each of the related records. You would then need to confirm which app the reference field is targeting and then retrieve the user data for each of the users in the group using the user's Record Id and the Users app id.

Resolving relationships between records

Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "appId": 3,
  "recordId": 3,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "IntegerList",
      "fieldId": 21, // Users multi select reference field
      "value": [2216]
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "multiplicity": "MultiSelect",
  "referencedAppId": 2, // Users app id
  "id": 21,
  "appId": 3,
  "name": "Users",
  "type": "Reference",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "appId": 2,
  "recordId": 2216,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 36,
      "value": "TestUser"
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 33,
      "value": ""


The Onspring API supports pagination for some endpoints for some resources. Pagination is used to limit the number of objects returned in a single response. This is useful for reducing the amount of data transferred over the network and for reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed by the client. If you are attempting to retrieve a large number of objects via one of the following endpoints you will need to use pagination to retrieve all of the them. The following endpoints support pagination:

Pagination Query Parameters

When making a request to one of the endpoints that support pagination you can use the following parameters to control the pagination behavior:

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
PageNumbernumberThe page number to retrieve. The default value is 1.
PageSizenumberThe number of objects to retrieve per page. The default value is 50. The maximum value is 1000.

Pagination Response

When making a request to one of the endpoints that support pagination you will receive a response that contains a Paged Collection object that has the following properties which can be used to determine if there are more pages of data available and to retrieve the next page of data:

Property NameData TypeDescription
pageNumbernumberThe page number of the current page of data.
pageSizenumberThe number of objects per page.
totalPagesnumberThe total number of pages of data available.
totalRecordsnumberThe total number of objects available.
itemsobject[]The array of objects for the current page.

The Paged Collection Object

Click to Copy
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 1,
  "items": [

Error Handling

The Onspring API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided. Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error within Onspring's servers.

The internet is a big place and requests sent across the network should be treated as if they may fail at any time. We recommend that you implement a retry strategy for requests that fail. This will help to ensure that your application is able to recover from any network issues that may occur.

Some 4xx errors will also include an Error object in the response body. This object can contain a message with additional information about the error.

Note: The exception to the above is if you receive a 499 status code this indicates that the request has exceeded the 90 second timeout limit of our api gateway. This is not an error with the request itself, but rather a timeout. This is a result of the request taking too long to process. Typically this is due to a large amount of data being requested or a request triggering a lot of processing. If you receive this error, you should consider breaking up your request into smaller requests.

Error Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
messagestringA human-readable message describing the error.

Error Code Summary

Click to Copy
400 Bad Request - The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided.
403 Forbidden - The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404 Not Found - The requested resource doesn't exist.
499 Client Closed Request - Our API gateway closed the connection because the request exceeded the 90 second timeout limit.
5xx Server Errors - Something went wrong on Onspring's end.

The Error Object

Click to Copy
  "message": "Client does not have access to read app: 1"


This endpoint allows you to verify that you are able to connect to the Onspring API. When successful, a 200 response will be returned with no body.

Checking for connection to the api

GET /Ping
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'


These are objects that represent apps and/or surveys in an Onspring instance. You can retrieve a list of apps or a specific app by its Id.

App Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
hrefstringThe URL of the app.
idnumberThe id of the app.
namestringThe name of the app.

The App Object

Click to Copy
  "href": "",
  "id": 195,
  "name": "Tasks"

Get Apps

This endpoint returns a paged collection of apps that the given API key can access.

Query Parameters

Note: Pagination query parameters can be used to control the number of apps returned in the response.

Retrieve apps accessible to the API key

GET /Apps
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "pageSize": 1,
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": 195,
      "name": "Tasks",
      "href": ""

Get App by Id

This endpoint returns a single app based on the given app id.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey.

Retrieving an app by its id

GET /Apps/id/{appId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "id": 195,
  "name": "Tasks",
  "href": ""

Get Apps by Ids

This endpoint returns a batch of apps based on the given app ids. The max number of apps that can be requested is 100.

Request Body

Click to Copy
[8, 79, 137, 193, 183]

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
countnumberThe number of apps returned.
itemsobject[]The apps returned.

Retrieve a batch of apps by ids

POST /Apps/batch-get
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[8,79,137,193,183]'
Click to Copy
  "count": 5,
  "items": [
      "href": "",
      "id": 8,
      "name": "Activated BCDR Tasks"
      "href": "",
      "id": 79,
      "name": "Application Assessments"
      "href": "",
      "id": 137,
      "name": "Applications"
      "href": "",
      "id": 193,
      "name": "Ascent Obligations"
      "href": "",
      "id": 183,
      "name": "Asset Baseline Repository"


These are objects that represent reports and their data for apps and surveys in an Onspring instance. You can retrieve a list of reports for an app or survey, or get a specific report's data.

Report Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey that the report belongs to.
idnumberThe id of the report.
namestringThe name of the report.

The Report Object

Click to Copy
  "appId": 195,
  "id": 613,
  "name": "Test 1"

Report Data

These are objects that represent the data for a report in an Onspring instance. They will be returned when you request a specific report by id.

Report Data Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
columnsstring[]The names of the fields in the report.
rowsobject[]An array of Report Row objects.

The Report Data Object

Click to Copy
  "columns": [
    "Due Date",
  "rows": [
      "recordId": 72,
      "cells": [
        "A New Test Task",
        "<p>This is a test task.</p>"

Report Row

These are objects representing a row in a report. They will comprise the rows array in the Report Data object. Each row contains the data for a record in the report.

Report Row Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record that the row represents.
cellsstring[]An array of strings representing the data for each field in the report. The order of the strings in the array will match the order of the fields in the columns array in the Report Data object.

The Report Row Object

Click to Copy
  "recordId": 72,
  "cells": [
    "A New Test Task",
    "<p>This is a test task.</p>"

Report Data Format

When retrieving data for reports via the Onspring API using certain endpoints you can specify the format of the data being retrieved. The format will be specified in a query parameter. These endpoints are:

The format values can be either Raw or Formatted. If the format is not specified then the default format is Raw. The format specified will be applied to all the data being retrieved. The impact of the format on the data retrieve will depend on the type of field. The following tables shows the impact of the format on the data retrieved for each field type.

Raw Format

Field TypeReturn Data TypeDescription
AttachmentstringA pipe (|) separated list of file names.
AutoNumbernumberThe field value will be returned as a number.
Date/TimestringThe field value will be returned as a string in the format m/d/yyyy h:mm tt.
ImagestringA pipe (|) separated list of file names.
ListstringA pipe (|) separated list of list value names.
MatrixstringA pipe (|) separated list of matrix values in the format "row list value name / column list value name".
NumbernumberThe field value will be returned as a number.
ReferencestringA pipe (|) separated list of display link field values.
Survey CampaignstringThe campaign name.
Survey Group ScoringstringA pipe (|) separated list of survey scoring groups in the format "group name: group value"
TextstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any HTML markup.
Time SpanstringThe field value will be returned as a string which represents the time span entered.

Formatted Format

Field TypeReturn Data TypeDescription
AttachmentstringA newline (\r\n) separated list of file names.
AutoNumberstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
Date/TimestringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
ImagestringA newline (\r\n) separated list of file names.
ListstringA newline (\r\n) separated list of list value names.
MatrixstringA newline (\r\n) separated list of matrix values in the format "row list value name / column list value name".
NumberstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
ReferencestringA newline (\r\n) separated list of display link field values.
Survey CampaignstringThe campaign name.
Survey Group ScoringstringA newline (\r\n) separated list of survey scoring groups in the format "group name: group value"
TextstringThe field value will be returned as a string excluding any HTML markup.
Time SpanstringThe field value will be returned as a string which represents the time span entered.

The Values in a Raw Response

Click to Copy
  "columns": [
    "Record Id",
    "Created Date",
    "Survey Campaign",
    "Group Scoring",
  "rows": [
      "2/16/2023 5:14 AM",
      "thing_1 / no|thing_2 / no",
      "scoring_group_list_1: 5|scoring_group_list_2: 3|scoring_group_list_3: 7",
      "<p>This is a test</p>",
      "Every 11 Second(s) End After 1 Occurrences"

The Values in a Formatted Response

Click to Copy
  "columns": [
    "Record Id",
    "Created Date",
    "Survey Campaign",
    "Group Scoring",
  "rows": [
      "2/16/2023 5:14 AM",
      "thing_1 / no\r\nthing_2 / no",
      "$100 dollars",
      "scoring_group_list_1: 5\r\nscoring_group_list_2: 3\r\nscoring_group_list_3: 7",
      "This is a test",
      "Every 11 Second(s) End After 1 Occurrences"

Get Reports by App

This endpoint returns a paged collection of reports for the given app.

Query Parameters

Note: Pagination query parameters can be used to control the number of reports returned in the response.

Retrieving reports for the given app

GET /Reports/appId/{appId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
Click to Copy
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 1,
  "items": [
      "appId": 195,
      "id": 613,
      "name": "Test 1"

Get Report by Id

This endpoint returns the Report Data for the given report.

Path Parameters

Property NameData TypeDescription
reportIdnumberThe id of the report.

Query Parameters

Property NameData TypeDescription
apiDataFormatstringThe format of the field data in the response. Valid values are Raw and Formatted. If not specified, Raw will be used.
dataTypestringIndicate whether you want the report's report data or its chart data returned. Valid values are ReportData and ChartData. If not specified, ReportData will be used.

Retrieving data from a report

GET /Reports/{reportId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "columns": [
    "Due Date",
  "rows": [
      "recordId": 72,
      "cells": [
        "A New Test Task",
        "<p>This is a test task.</p>"
      "recordId": 73,
      "cells": [
        "A New Test Task",
        "12/25/2021 12:00 AM",
        "In Progress",
        "<p>This is a test task.</p>"


These are objects representing a field in an app or survey in your instance. You can retrieve a list of fields in an app or survey or retrieve a specific field to see the properties of the field(s).

Field Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
idnumberThe id of the field.
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey.
namestringThe name of the field.
typestringThe type of the field. Possible values are: Attachment, AutoNumber, Date, Formula, Image, List, Number, Reference, SurveyCampaign, SurveyGroupScoring, SurveyReference, SurveyUnifiedAnswer,Text, or TimeSpan.
statusstringThe status of the field. Possible values are: Enabled or Disabled.
isRequiredbooleanIndicates whether the field is configured to be required.
isUniquebooleanIndicates whether the field is configured to be unique.

The Field Object

Click to Copy
  "id": 6983,
  "appId": 195,
  "name": "Name",
  "type": "Text",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false

Formula Field

Formula fields are a special type of field that can be used to calculate values based on other fields. These fields can have different output types and therefore have the following additional properties in addition to the standard Field properties.

Formula Field Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
outputTypestringIndicates the type of the output of the formula field. Possible values are: Text,Numeric, DateAndTime, or ListValue.
valuesobject[]An array of List Value objects that define the possible values of the formula field. This array will only be populated with values if the outputType is set to ListValue.

The Formula Field Object

Click to Copy
  "outputType": "ListValue",
  "values": [
      "id": "b235afb2-b786-4c87-bce9-fbd700e246c1",
      "name": "list_value_1",
      "sortOrder": 1,
      "numericValue": 1,
      "color": "#6dcff6"
      "id": "5cd7cd55-d6a6-40e0-a560-8aa407c13210",
      "name": "list_value_2",
      "sortOrder": 2,
      "numericValue": 2,
      "color": "#8e468e"
  "id": 4815,
  "appId": 130,
  "name": "list_formula_field",
  "type": "Formula",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false

Reference Field

Reference fields are a special type of field that allow you to create relationships between one or more content records. These fields identify the app or survey that the related content records are held in therefore they have the following additional properties in addition to the standard Field properties.

Reference Field Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
multiplicitystringIndicates whether the field is single or multi select. Possible values are: MultiSelect or SingleSelect.
referenceAppIdnumberThe id of the app that the related content records are held in.

The Reference Field Object

Click to Copy
  "multiplicity": "MultiSelect",
  "referencedAppId": 2,
  "id": 4808,
  "appId": 130,
  "name": "multi_select_reference_field",
  "type": "Reference",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false

List Field

List fields are a special type of field that allow you to define a list of values that can be selected for the field. These fields have the following additional properties in addition to the standard Field properties.

List Field Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
multiplicitystringIndicates whether the field is single or multi select. Possible values are: MultiSelect or SingleSelect.
listIdnumberThe id of the list that the list values are associated with.
valuesobject[]An array of List Value objects that define the possible values of the list field.

The List Field Object

Click to Copy
  "multiplicity": "MultiSelect",
  "listId": 639,
  "values": [
      "id": "71afe161-34f9-49d0-b45e-968b764c884c",
      "name": "list_value_1",
      "sortOrder": 1,
      "numericValue": 1,
      "color": "#008e8e"
      "id": "d40a74dd-abb5-4fbb-82c0-5766e871e2a4",
      "name": "list_value_2",
      "sortOrder": 2,
      "numericValue": 2,
      "color": "#a186be"
  "id": 4802,
  "appId": 130,
  "name": "multi_select_list_field",
  "type": "List",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false

Get Fields by App

This endpoint returns a paged collection of Fields for the given app.

Path Parameters

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app to retrieve fields for.

Query Parameters

Note: Pagination query parameters can be used to control the number of fields returned in the response.

Retrieve all fields for an app

GET /Fields/appId/{appId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 2,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 2,
  "items": [
      "id": 6989,
      "appId": 195,
      "name": "Attachments",
      "type": "Attachment",
      "status": "Enabled",
      "isRequired": false,
      "isUnique": false
      "multiplicity": "SingleSelect",
      "referencedAppId": 2,
      "id": 6980,
      "appId": 195,
      "name": "Created By",
      "type": "Reference",
      "status": "Enabled",
      "isRequired": false,
      "isUnique": false

Get Field by Id

This endpoint returns a Field by its id.

Path Parameters

Property NameData TypeDescription
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field to retrieve.

Retrieve a field by its id

GET /Fields/id/{fieldId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "multiplicity": "SingleSelect",
  "listId": 906,
  "values": [
      "id": "4118d53a-9121-4345-8682-07f23d606daa",
      "name": "In Progress",
      "sortOrder": 1,
      "numericValue": 1.0,
      "color": "#db3e3e"
      "id": "1c1c5f7e-cd03-4b70-9790-0f83b24b5863",
      "name": "Complete",
      "sortOrder": 2,
      "numericValue": 2.0,
      "color": "#ffffff"
      "id": "42493542-f77c-4298-91a0-18455ba0c764",
      "name": "Not Started",
      "sortOrder": 3,
      "numericValue": 0.0,
      "color": "#ffffff"
  "id": 6986,
  "appId": 195,
  "name": "Status",
  "type": "List",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "isRequired": false,
  "isUnique": false

Get Fields by Ids

This endpoint returns a batch of Fields by their ids. The max number of fields that can be requested is 100.

Request Body

Click to Copy
[6983, 6986, 6987, 6985, 6984]

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
countnumberThe number of fields returned.
itemsobject[]The fields returned.

Retrieve a batch of fields by ids

POST /Fields/batch-get
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[6983,6986,6987,6985,6984]'
Click to Copy
  "count": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": 6983,
      "appId": 195,
      "name": "Name",
      "type": "Text",
      "status": "Enabled",
      "isRequired": false,
      "isUnique": false

List Values

These are objects that represent the defined values of a List Field or a Formula Field with a ListValue output type.

List Value Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
idstringThe unique id of the list value.
namestringThe name of the list value.
sortOrdernumberThe sort order of the list value.
numericValuenumberThe numeric value of the list value.
colorstringThe color of the list value.

The List Value Object

Click to Copy
  "id": "71afe161-34f9-49d0-b45e-968b764c884c",
  "name": "list_value_1",
  "sortOrder": 1,
  "numericValue": 1,
  "color": "#008e8e"

Save List Value

This endpoint adds or updates a list value. If a list value id is provided, the list value will be updated. If no list value id is provided, a new list value will be created. When request is successful a 200 status code will be returned if updating a list value or a 201 status code will be returned if creating a new list value.

Path Parameters

Property NameData TypeDescription
listIdnumberThe id of the list to which the list value belongs.

Request Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
idnumberThe id of the list value to update. If no id is provided, a new list value will be created.
namestringThe name of the list value.
numericValuenumberThe numeric value of the list value.
colorstringThe color of the list value.

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
idstringThe id of the list value.

Add a list value

PUT /Lists/id/{listId}/items
Click to Copy
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "id": null,
  "name": "Not Started",
  "numericValue": 0,
  "color": "#ffffff",
Click to Copy
  "id": "4118d53a-9121-4345-8682-07f23d606daa"

Delete List Value by Id

This endpoint deletes a list value. When request is successful a 204 status code will be returned with no response body.

Delete a list value

DELETE /Lists/id/{listId}/itemId/{itemId}
Click to Copy
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'


These are objects representing a content record in your instance. You can create new records in your instance, retrieve existing records to see the data that has been entered into a record, you can update a record to change the data in it, and you can delete a record to remove it from the instance.

Record Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey.
recordIdnumberThe id of the record.
fieldDataobject[]An array of Field Value objects.

The Record Object

Click to Copy
  "appId": 195,
  "recordId": 1,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "Integer",
      "fieldId": 6976,
      "value": 1

Field Values

These are objects representing a field value in a record. They will comprise the fieldData array in a Record object. The type property will determine what the type and structure of the value property will be.

Field Value Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
typestringThe type of the field.
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field.
valueobjectThe value of the field.

Field Value Types

TypeDescriptionValue Data Type
StringA string value.string
IntegerAn integer value.number
DecimalA decimal value.number
DateA date value.string
TimeSpanA Time Span value.object
GuidA GUID value.string
StringListA list of string values.string[]
IntegerListA list of integer values.number[]
GuidListA list of GUID values.string[]
AttachmentListA list of Attachment values.object[]
ScoringGroupListA list of Scoring Group values.object[]
FileListA list of file values.number[]

Time Span Field Value

Property NameData TypeDescription
quantitynumberThe number of the specified increment.
incrementstringThe increment of time. Can be one of the following values: Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
recurrencestringThe recurrence of the time span. Can be one of the following values: None, EndByDate, EndAfterOccurrences.
endByDatestringThe end date of the time span. This will only be set if recurrence is set to EndByDate.
endAfterOccurrencesnumberThe number of occurrences of the time span. This will only be set if recurrence is set to EndAfterOccurrences.

Attachment Field Value

Property NameData TypeDescription
fileIdnumberThe id of the file.
fileNamestringThe name of the file.
notesstringThe notes for the attachment.
storageLocationstringThe storage location of the file. Can be one of the following values: Internal, OneDrive, GoogleDrive.
downloadLinkstringThe download link for the file. This will only be returned if the storageLocation is not Internal.
quickEditLinkstringThe quick edit link for the file. This will only be returned if the storageLocation is not Internal.

Scoring Group Field Value

Property NameData TypeDescription
listValueIdstringThe id of the list value.
namestringThe name of the scoring group.
scorenumberThe score of the scoring group.
maximumScorenumberThe maximum score of the scoring group.

The Field Value Object

The following snippet contains an example of field value objects for each of the possible field value types.

Click to Copy
  "type": "Integer",
  "fieldId": 6976,
  "value": 1
  "type": "Date",
  "fieldId": 4746,
  "value": "2023-02-16T05:14:14Z"
  "type": "String",
  "fieldId": 4753,
  "value": ""
  "type": "Decimal",
  "fieldId": 4756,
  "value": 15.3
  "type": "ScoringGroupList",
  "fieldId": 4762,
  "value": [
      "listValueId": "c9e4d695-184c-48ec-a8ef-01a52b2bce39",
      "name": "scoring_group_list_1",
      "score": 5,
      "maximumScore": 6
  "type": "IntegerList",
  "fieldId": 4792,
  "value": [
  "type": "Guid",
  "fieldId": 4801,
  "value": "2c1af5b1-0f90-4378-b9a5-8b7e22f2bc84"
  "type": "GuidList",
  "fieldId": 4802,
  "value": [
  "type": "AttachmentList",
  "fieldId": 4806,
  "value": [
      "fileId": 909,
      "fileName": "test-attachment.txt",
      "notes": "This is a test",
      "storageLocation": "Internal"
  "type": "TimeSpan",
  "fieldId": 4811,
  "value": {
    "quantity": 10,
    "increment": "Minutes",
    "recurrence": "None"
  "type": "StringList",
  "fieldId": 4999,
  "value": [
  "type": "FileList",
  "fieldId": 4807,
  "value": [

Record Data Format

When retrieving data for records via the Onspring API using certain endpoints you can specify the format of the data being retrieved. The format will be specified either in a query parameter or in the request body. These endpoints are:

The format values can be either Raw or Formatted. If the format is not specified then the default format is Raw. The format specified will be applied to all the data being retrieved. The impact of the format on the data retrieve will depend on the type of field. The following tables shows the impact of the format on the data retrieved for each field type.

Raw Format

Field TypeReturn Data TypeDescription
AutoNumbernumberThe field value will be returned as a number.
Date/TimestringThe field value will be returned as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
Liststring or string[]The field value will be returned as a string or an array of strings where the strings are the GUID ids of the selected list items.
NumbernumberThe field value will be returned as a number.
TextstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any HTML markup.
Time SpanobjectThe field value will be returned as a Time Span object.

Formatted Format

Field TypeReturn Data TypeDescription
AutoNumberstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
Date/TimestringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
Liststring or string[]The field value will be returned as a string or an array of strings where the strings are the names of the selected list items.
NumberstringThe field value will be returned as a string including any configured formatting.
TextstringThe field value will be returned as a string without any HTML markup.
Time SpanstringThe field value will be returned as a string which represents the time span entered.

The Values in a Raw Response

Click to Copy
  "appId": 130,
  "recordId": 1,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "Integer",
      "fieldId": 4745, // AutoNumber Field
      "value": 1
      "type": "Date",
      "fieldId": 4800, // Date/Time Field
      "value": "2023-02-15T06:00:00Z"
      "type": "Guid",
      "fieldId": 4833, // Single Select List Field
      "value": "9a08da5e-db5d-447f-9be9-ce8d7d7e61a7"
      "type": "GuidList",
      "fieldId": 4830, // Multi Select List Field
      "value": [
      "type": "Decimal",
      "fieldId": 4803, // Number Field
      "value": 100
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4805, // Text Field
      "value": "<p>This is a test</p>"
      "type": "TimeSpan",
      "fieldId": 4810, // TimeSpan Field
      "value": {
        "quantity": 11,
        "increment": "Seconds",
        "recurrence": "EndAfterOccurrences",
        "endAfterOccurrences": 1

The Values in a Formatted Response

Click to Copy
  "appId": 130,
  "recordId": 1,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4745, // AutoNumber Field
      "value": "recordId-1"
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4800, // Date/Time Field
      "value": "Wednesday, February 15, 2023 6:00 AM"
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4833, // Single Select List Field
      "value": "list_value_1"
      "type": "StringList",
      "fieldId": 4830, // Multi Select List Field
      "value": ["list_value_1", "list_value_2"]
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4803, // Number Field
      "value": "$100 dollars"
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4805, // Text Field
      "value": "This is a test"
      "type": "String",
      "fieldId": 4810, // TimeSpan Field
      "value": "Every 11 Second(s) End After 1 Occurrences"

Get Records by App

This endpoint returns a paged collection of records for a given app or survey.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey that contains the records.

Query Parameters

Note: Pagination query parameters can be used to control the number of records returned.

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
fieldIdsstringA comma-separated list of field ids to include in the response. If not specified, all fields will be returned.
dataFormatstringThe format of the field data in the response. Valid values are Raw and Formatted. If not specified, Raw will be used.

Retrieving records for an app

GET /Records/appId/{appId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 1,
  "items": [
      "appId": 195,
      "recordId": 1,
      "fieldData": [
          "type": "Integer",
          "fieldId": 6976,
          "value": 1

Get Record by Id

This endpoint returns a single record based on the given record id.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey that contains the record.
recordIdnumberThe id of the record.

Query Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
fieldIdsstringA comma-separated list of field ids to include in the response. If not specified, all fields will be returned.
dataFormatstringThe format of the field data in the response. Valid values are Raw and Formatted. If not specified, Raw will be used.

Retrieving a record from an app

GET /Records/appId/{appId}/recordId/{recordId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "appId": 195,
  "recordId": 1,
  "fieldData": [
      "type": "Integer",
      "fieldId": 6976,
      "value": 1

Get Records by Ids

This endpoint returns a batch of records that match the given ids. The max number of records that can be requested is 100.

Request Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey that contains the records.
recordIdsnumber[]The ids of the records to return.
fieldIdsnumber[]The ids of the fields to return in the records.
dataFormatstringThe format of the field data in the response. Valid values are Raw and Formatted. If not specified, Raw will be used.

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
countnumberThe number of records returned.
itemsobject[]The records returned.

Retrieving a batch of records

POST /Records/batch-get
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "appId": 195,
  "recordIds": [1],
  "fieldIds": [6983,6986,6987,6985,6984],
  "dataFormat": "Raw"
Click to Copy
  "count": 1,
  "items": [
      "appId": 195,
      "recordId": 1,
      "fieldData": [
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6983,
          "value": "Test Task 1"
          "type": "Guid",
          "fieldId": 6986,
          "value": "4118d53a-9121-4345-8682-07f23d606daa"
          "type": "Integer",
          "fieldId": 6987,
          "value": 2
          "type": "Date",
          "fieldId": 6985,
          "value": "2021-12-31T06:00:00Z"
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6984,
          "value": "<p>This is a test!</p>"

Get Records by Query

This endpoint returns a paged collection of records for a given app or survey.

Query Parameters

Note: Pagination query parameters can be used to control the number of records returned.

Request Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app or survey that contains the records.
filterstringA filter expression that will be used to filter the records returned.
fieldIdsnumber[]The ids of the fields to return in the records.
dataFormatstringThe format of the field data in the response. Valid values are Raw and Formatted. If not specified, Raw will be used.


A filter expression is a string that is used to filter records returned by the Get Records by Query endpoint. The filter operators available, the fields they are applicable to, and the syntax for each operator are described below.

OperatorDescriptionApplicable Fields
eqDetermines if the field equals a value.Text, number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of text, number, or date.
neDetermines if the field does not equal a value.Text, number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of text, number, or date.
containsDetermines if the field contains a list value. List value can be its id or name.List fields and formulas with output type of list.
isnullDetermines if the field is null.Text, number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of text, number, or date.
notnullDetermines if the field is not null.Text, number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of text, number, or date.
ltDetermines if the field is less than a value.Number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of number or date.
gtDetermines if the field is greater than a value.Number, date, and auto-number fields and formula fields that have an output type of number or date.


When using a string value in a filter expression you must use single quotes (') to delimit the string value. When using a date value in a filter expression you must use single quotes (') to delimit the date value and the delimited value should be preceded by the word datetime.

Combining Filters

You can combine multiple filters using the and and or operators as well as parentheses to control the order of operations. The not operator can be used to negate a filter.

Querying for records in an app

POST /Records/Query
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "appId": 195,
    "filter": "6983 eq '\''Test Task 5'\''",
    "fieldIds": [6983,6986,6987,6985,6984],
    "dataFormat": "Formatted"
Click to Copy
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 1,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 1,
  "items": [
      "appId": 195,
      "recordId": 5,
      "fieldData": [
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6983,
          "value": "Test Task 5"
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6986,
          "value": "Complete"
          "type": "Integer",
          "fieldId": 6987,
          "value": 2
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6985,
          "value": "12/31/2021 6:00 AM"
          "type": "String",
          "fieldId": 6984,
          "value": "This is a test!"

Save Record

This endpoint allows you to add or update a record in an app. If a record id is provided in the request, the record will be updated and a 200 response will be returned. If no record id is provided, a new record will be created and a 201 response will be returned. When successful the response will contain the record id of the record that was created or updated and any warnings that were encountered.

Request Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app that contains or will contain the record.
recordIdnumberThe id of the record to update. If this property is not provided, a new record will be created.
fieldsobjectAn object containing the field values to save. The keys of the object should be the field ids and the values should be the field values. The field values should be in the format that is expected by the field type.

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record that was created or updated.
warningsstring[]An array of warnings that were encountered while saving the record.

Add a record to an app

PUT /Records
Click to Copy
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "appId": 195,
  "recordId": null,
  "fields": {
    "6983": "A New Test Task",
    "6984": "This is a test task.",
    "6985": "12/25/2021",
    "6986: "4118d53a-9121-4345-8682-07f23d606daa",
    "6987": [4]
Click to Copy
  "warnings": [],
  "id": 140

Delete Record by Id

This endpoint allows you to delete a record from an app. When successful, a 204 response will be returned with no body.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app that contains the record.
recordIdnumberThe id of the record to delete.

Deleting a record from an app

DELETE /Records/appId/{appId}/recordId/{recordId}
Click to Copy
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'

Delete Records by Ids

This endpoint deletes multiple records by their ids. When successful, a 204 response will be returned with no body.

Request Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
appIdnumberThe id of the app that contains the records to delete.
recordIdsnumber[]The ids of the records to delete.

Deleting a batch of records from an app

DELETE Records/batch-delete
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "appId": 195,
  "recordIds": [138,139]


Files represent the information held in Attachment and Image fields. The Onspring API can be used to retrieve information about a file and the file itself. The Onspring API can also be used to add and remove files to and from Attachment and Image fields.

File Information Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
typestringThe type of the file. This will be either Attachment or Image.
contentTypestringThe MIME type of the file.
namestringThe name of the file.
createdDatestringThe date and time the file was created.
modifiedDatestringThe date and time the file was last modified.
ownerstringThe id of the user who owns the file.
notesstringThe notes associated with the file.
fileHrefstringThe URL of the file.

The File Information Object

Click to Copy
  "type": "Attachment",
  "contentType": "text/plain",
  "name": "Test Attachment.txt",
  "createdDate": "2021-12-13T21:34:14.519Z",
  "modifiedDate": "2021-12-13T21:34:19.236Z",
  "owner": "e7d20e9e-0bce-40e2-8fdb-f8c839a982cb",
  "notes": "",
  "fileHref": ""

Get File Info by Id

This endpoint returns information about the given file.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record that contains the file.
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field that contains the file.
fileIdnumberThe id of the file.

Retrieve a file's information by it's id

GET /Files/recordId/{recordId}/fieldId/{fieldId}/fileId/{fileId}
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
  "type": "Attachment",
  "contentType": "text/plain",
  "name": "Test Attachment.txt",
  "createdDate": "2021-12-13T21:34:14.519Z",
  "modifiedDate": "2021-12-13T21:34:19.236Z",
  "owner": "e7d20e9e-0bce-40e2-8fdb-f8c839a982cb",
  "notes": "",
  "fileHref": ""

Get File by Id

This endpoint returns the file with the given id.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record that contains the file.
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field that contains the file.
fileIdnumberThe id of the file.

Retrieve a file by it's id

GET /Files/recordId/{recordId}/fieldId/{fieldId}/fileId/{fileId}/file
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'
Click to Copy
this is only a test

Add File

This endpoint allows you to add a file to a record. The request body must be of type multipart/form-data.

Request Body Fields

Property NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record to which the file will be added.
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field to which the file will be added.
notesstringThe notes to be added to the file.
modifiedDatestringThe date the file was last modified.
filebinaryThe file to be added.

Response Body Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
idnumberThe id of the file that was added.

Add a file to a record

POST /Files
Click to Copy
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000' \
--form 'recordId="140"' \
--form 'fieldId="6989"' \
--form 'notes="Updating record with attachment."' \
--form 'modifiedDate=""' \
--form 'file=@"test-attachment.txt"'
Click to Copy
  "id": 1904

Delete File by Id

This endpoint deletes the given file. If the request is successful a 204 response will be returned with an empty body.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescription
recordIdnumberThe id of the record that contains the file.
fieldIdnumberThe id of the field that contains the file.
fileIdnumberThe id of the file.

Deleting a file by it's id

DELETE /Files/recordId/{recordId}/fieldId/{fieldId}/fileId/{fileId}/file
Click to Copy
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'X-ApiKey: 000000ffffff000000ffffff/00000000-ffff-0000-ffff-000000000000'